Tag Archives: equilibrium of a particle

Download Engineering Mechanics Lecture Notes

2 Jun

Dear Friends,

I am moving this blog from WordPress to Blogger, please CLICK HERE to access all my lecture notes.

Also I want to apologies for not updating this blog for quite sometime but I will be adding new posts more frequently now!

Warm regards!



Please click the following for my blog notes on Engineering Mechanics.  On the following sites, you will be able to find problems and solutions on key topics.


  1. Scalars and Vectors
  2. Multiplication and Division of a Vector by a Scalar
  3. Two Dimentional Vector Addision – Parallelogram law
  4. Vector Subtraction and Resolution of a Vector
  5. Coplanar Forces and their Rectangular Components
  6. Addition of Coplanar Forces – Using Scalar Notation
  7. Addition of Coplanar Forces – Using Cartesian Vector Notation

This list is INCOMPLETE but  I’m in the process of preparing and uploading.

Below is a list of engineering mechanics tutorials.  Click on the individual topic to download the notes and don’t forget to print a copy for the lectures.

  1. Introduction
  2. Force Vector Tutorial
  3. Equilibrium of a Particle
  4. Force System Resultant

As you probably notice the list is not complete, they will be in due time.  The lecture notes are based on your recommended textbooks.  You are encouraged to refer to them for a wider understanding of the subject.

Yajeta Jagadiswari